Our treats are 100% corn free!
At B & J's Pampered Pup Bakery we pride ourselves in making home-baked treats with a home-baked taste (Yes, we've tried them ourselves). Everything we bake can also be eaten by you, but keep in mind your dog's taste buds are what we bake to please.
We make every effort to please you until we get it just right. You, the customer and your dog, help make our place of business a success.
No treats leave our kitchen until they have received the Paws of Approval from anywhere from 50 to 100 or more tasters. Twiggs is the Top Taster, followed by the many dogs of friends and customers on Jane’s mail route. They don’t come to the mail box to bring the mail into the house... And they have all been in my truck because they know where I keep the treat bag. We Strive for Quality!
We know that you will enjoy giving your pet our treats, but remember that treats are for special times. Treats should not replace meals and should be offered sparingly.
If your dog has special dietary needs or food allergies, consult your vet before offering any treats.