Ben Powers
"Keeper of Our Dreams"
Lover of chatting and giving dogs free samples, we call him "Gentle Ben". Always in our hearts, we love you Ben!
Jane Powers
"Top Dog"
Retired Letter Carrier and friend to all the dogs on her mail route. We're sure it is her warm personality & not all of the treats she dishes out to all of the able bodied volunteers on her route. They had no idea that they all had a hand in taste testing!
Don and Nancy Kurtz
"Inventor & Devine Inspiration"
Don is our cookie cutter designer extraordinaire and brother to Jane. Nancy is a whiz at treat decorating, a sewing genius, and all around wonderful inspiration.
Annie & Mark Jensen
"Head Baker & Expert Loader"
Annie, a stay-at-home mom, is our ultimate multi-tasker. She's our Head Baker, moral support, & cheerleader. Kati and Alex have left the nest. Mark keeps our vehicles running and lets us know when we need new ones. What a guy!
If you see one of them out and about at the events we attend, make sure to let them know what a great job they do at making our wonderful product a success. Thank you all!